
These products are custom hand made, because of order processing we have around a three week turnaround (dependent on order volume).

Kydex Colors

We offer many colors, carbon fiber Kydex and custom prints. Please note: color shade or hue of Image shown may vary due to lighting and or screen settings.
Arctic WhiteBlackBasket Weave BlackBlack Carbon FiberBlood RedBlue Carbon FiberCoyote BrownEMT RedFDE Carbon FiberFDE (flat dark earth)Hot PinkHunter Orange Carbon FiberKiller Coyote Carbon FiberKryptek AlltitudeKryptek HighlanderKryptek MandrakeKryptek NeptuneKryptek NomadKryptek PontusKryptek RaidKryptek TyphonKryptek YetiLight GreyOD Green Carbon FiberOD GreenPolice BluePurple Haze Carbon FiberPurpleRaptor BlackRaptor BrownRaptor London TanStorm Grey Carbon FiberStorm GreyTiffany Blue Carbon FiberTiffany BlueZombie Green Carbon FiberZombie GreenATACS VistaATACS Vista PinkHexcam Spectre 13Hexcam WastelandHexcam Adirondak 3DHexcam Makalu 3DHexcam 5 Echo 3DHexcam Wasteland 3DMulticamMulticam BlackAmerican flag on WhiteWe the People American FlagThin Blue Line American FlagThin Blue Line American FlagU.S. Flag with ConstitutionConstitution Print on Dessert TanFlame Camo on Safety YellowBlue Flame Camo on Tiffany BlueSpartan Flag Molon Labe PatternTiger Stripe Camouflage6 Color Digital CamoArctic Storm CamoArmy Digital Flag on TanDark Earth Flag CamoAmerican ShieldRustic LeatherGadsden Flag PatternWhite RattlerTan RattlerTechno RattlerRed RattlerBlood RattlerGrey RattlerFDEF RattlerRustic FlagPunisher Skull Flag PatternKryptek Xtreme Inferno Hunter OrangeATACS IXatacs scytheBetsy Ross FlagP40 Nose ArtOrange PlaidBlack And White PlaidRed and Black Plaid